Household cleaning products are some of the most toxic things in your house. If you want to get them out and replace them with all-natural alternatives, watch this video to learn how to make alternati ...
Skunks are cute little animals with a nasty surprise waiting in the gland under their tail for anything that threatens them. If you've been sprayed by a skunk, you're never going to be at peace until ...
Looking for your next woodworking project? Why not a wood slit drum? It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this DIY guide can present a complete overview of the process in about minutes. For all of the de ...
Looking for your next woodworking project? Why not a pair of wood salad tongs? They're easy! So easy, in fact, that this DIY guide can present a complete overview of the process in about minutes. For ...
Moss can be a beautiful part of natures, but it can also wreak havoc on your roof shingles or garden plants and rocks. If you've got a moss problem, watch this video for some easy ways you can solve t ...
If you live somewhere with harsh winters, you know that they can be hell on your garden and the flower pots therein. Watch this video for tips on protecting different kinds of flower pots from the ele ...
Square foot gardening is a type of gardening in which you carefully arrange plants in tiny squares to maximize space and stylistic harmony. Watch this video to learn how to plan and execute a square f ...
You're trying to mow your lawn, but the engine on your pull-string push mower isn't turning over— why won't it power up? Well, if your lawn mower was stored outdoors for a large amount of time, chance ...
Nailing a picture or a work of art to a wall is pretty easy in and of itself, but when it comes to arranging these pictures stylishly people have more trouble. It's true that you can nail pictures to ...
In our most idyllic of dreams we envision living in a 17th century English castle with endless lush fields and gardens bursting with flora and faunt. But unfortunately most of us live in a more urban ...