Robinia frisia limbs are prone to dying, that is why it is important to prune them properly. If you wait until the winter to prune the dead wood you wont be able to tell the difference between the dead wood and the dormant tree limb. In this how to video Martin Fish from Garden News explains how and when to prune dead wood from Robinia 'Frisia'.
Make an old drab garage floor look new with snap-together tile. In this how to video Matt Weber installs cool snap-together tile for garage flooring. You don't have to bother with the messiness of mixing cement, grout, or cutting dangerous tiles. Watch and learn how easy it is to snap tile into place.
In this how to video Extreme How-To Editor-in-Chief, Matt Weber, replaces old wood with new composite materials. Composite decking is a great way to repair worn out and weathered parts of any deck. Learn to do it yourself and you can lot of money repairing your home.
Be prepared in case of a disaster by properly storing items in mylar bags. This how to video demonstrates how to seal mylar bags with a clothing iron. This is a quick and efficient way of storing items for long term storage. Place your sealed bag in a bucket and store it away for later.
Remodeling your kitchen or bathroom can be expensive. It doesn't have to be if you can install the tiles yourself. In this home and garden how-to video we will show you how to set tiles in adjoining rooms. Join tiles in two adjoining rooms for a smooth floor transitions.
Remodeling your kitchen or bathroom can be expensive. If you learn how to tile you can save a bundle on the project. In this home and garden how to video you will learn to set tile with your grid layout setup and mortar spread over vinyl.
Remodeling your kitchen or bathroom can be expensive. Learn to tile the floor yourself and save a bundle. In this home and garden how to video you will learn to properly mix and apply thin set mortar for tiling.
Remodeling your bathroom or kitchen can be expensive. Why not learn how to install your own tile? In this home and garden how-to video you will learn how to layout tile properly using the grid layout method. A grid consists of a group of lines forming perfect squares to line up the tie. Watch this video and begin laying tile.
Why throw away all that perfectly good molding when you can reuse in another project? Learn how to remove molding neatly so you can reuse it later with this home remodeling tutorial. With the tips from this how to video you can recycle your molding.
It's always difficult to paint neatly but it is especially difficult to keep the paint off of glass. Removing paint from glass windows and cabinetry can be a real pain. With this tutorial you will learn how to paint around glass. Keep your paint job nice and neat with this how to video.
By combining plants and a garden seat together you can create a lovely living seat that will look good all year round and if you use herbs to make the seat it will also smell good. In this how to video we are making a seat using thyme, but you could also use chamomile, pennyroyal or any low growing, fairly tough plants. This type of seat is mainly decorative because for much of the time the plants or compost will be damp, but if you use a cushion when sitting on the herbs you will get a...
Willow can be woven into many shapes or to form a living boundary fence. The reason they are called living is because some of the stems used to create the structure root in the soil and grow to form new shoots. This does mean that annual trimming is needed to maintain the shape, but at the same time it adds interest to the garden. Creating a living structure is very simple to do and all you need is a few pruning tools and a bundle of willow sticks in various thicknesses. With this tutorial you...
Traditionally the time to lift Dahlia tubers is after the foliage has been frosted, but before it gets too cold that the tuber itself is affected. In this tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News shows you how to lift and store your Dahlia tubers for the winter.
Lucky bamboo is a beautiful plant to keep in your home. In this tutorial, garden News correspondant Martin Fish shows viewers how to save lucky Bamboo from flower arrangements and regrow it into a houseplant. With the tips from this how to video you can repot lucky bamboo in your home.
Every lawn has at least a couple brown or bare spots. In this how to video, Garden News correspondent Martin Fish demonstrates the best way to repair bare patches on lawns. With the tips from this tutorial you can get a green and healthy lawn.
You don't have to throw away those broken pots and re-pot the plants inside. In this gardening tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News shows viewers how to repair cracked pots. With this the tips from this how to video you can save money on plant pots.
Leaf molds are great way to make mulch for your garden. In this how to video, Martin Fish from Garden News explains how to make a leaf mold. Follow the steps to make a leaf mold and by this time next year you will have lovely mulch for your garden.
It is ideal to tie your climbing plants against a wall in order to train it to grow up. In this how to video, Martin Fish from Garden News demonstrates how to use a new product called Soft-Tie to tie his climbing plants.
In this gardening tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News demonstrates how to prick out Foxglove seedlings. "Pricking out" is when seedlings are transplanted into larger pots or trays to give them more room to grow on. The ideal time to do this is when the seedlings are at the two-leaf stage and before the true leaves have developed, or as soon as they are large enough to handle.
The worst thing is when you go to bite into an apple and you find a grub or a worm. This tutorial teaches you how to get rid of pests in your apple trees. One of the main pests on apple trees is Codling moth, or the caterpillars of the moth which tunnel into the fruits as they grow. The damage caused by the burrowing is normally discovered in the summer or when the fruits are picked in autumn, but now is the time to prevent damage this summer. The moth lays its egg on the fruitlets after...
Learn how to create a bog garden in containers with this gardening tutorial. There are some lovely plants for growing in damp, boggy conditions, but if your soil is well drained and dries out quickly these bog plants will struggle to grow. A simple way of growing bog plants is in a large container such as a half barrel that has no drainage holes in the base. The barrel when wet will seal and hold water very well keeping the compost moist at all times. What you may need to do if the barrel is...
One of the best ways to add summer colour to your garden or patio is with hanging baskets. Now is the perfect time to plant up baskets in order to give the plants a few weeks to establish before they are hung outside after the danger of frost has passed. Learn how to make a beautiful hanging baskets with this tutorial.The choice of plants for baskets gets bigger every year and you'll find garden centers are fully stocked up with plants at this time of the year.To keep the baskets growing and...
Learn how you can plant and care for sweet peas with this gardening tutorial. Sweet peas are one of the best annual climbing plants for the garden and they can be grown in several different ways to get a superb display of flowers through the summer months. Traditionally sweet peas were sown in the autumn and planted out in early April, but spring sown plants can be planted out into May and will still flower well, albeit slightly later. If you haven't sown any seeds but would like to grow some...
Rhododendrons must have lime-free soil and that can make them tricky for some of us that garden on neutral or limey soils. Planting in the garden is a waste of time and money. If you want, you can make a raised bed and fill that with acid soil but digging a hole in your garden and filling it with acid (ericaceous) compost only works for a while. The water from the surrounding soil will drain in and spread the lime and although you can acidify soil with sulphur chips you really are making life...
If you can't get out into the garden, or you want to get the kids involved on a wet day, why not sprout some seeds?Sprouting seeds are nutritious and easy to grow. Traditional favourites, such as alfalfa, radish and broccoli, are best sprouted in special sprouters or sprouting jars with a mesh lid, but you can use any jar and wrap mesh or coarse cloth around the opening.The easiest, and cheapest, of all are lentils. Because of the size of the seeds, you don't even need a special sprouter - I...
Potted plants of all kinds, whether in the house, greenhouse or outside, need repotting eventually. There are several reasons, the most obvious being that they simply get larger and top-heavy. Most houseplants don't need repotting that often because, if we give them plenty of liquid fertilizer in the growing season, they won't be short of nutrients and should therefore be healthy.Another reason why we pot on our plants is that many are sold in peat-based and peat-type compost. As this ages, it...
In this how to video, Martin Fish from Garden News explains how to prune the Butterfly Bush or Buddleia. The Buddleia is also known as the Butterfly bush because of its colorful flowers that attract butterflies. Pruning this plant is important because it encourages more flowers in the next blooming season. With the tips from this tutorial you will learn how to prune the Buddleia.
In this tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News explains how to harvest pumpkins and squashes. Learn how to tell when your pumpkins and squashes are ripe and ready to be picked as well as the proper method for harvesting them with this how to video.
Sempervivum or Houseleeks are extremely hearty breed of succulent plants that can grow in very arid areas. Sempervivum are a great plant to have because they require very little care. In this garden tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News demonstrates how to create a simple & effective Sempervivum pot that will look good throughout the Winter.
If you grow your own bedding plants one of the main jobs over the next few weeks is 'pricking out'. This is when seedlings are transplanted into larger pots or trays to give them more room to grow on. The ideal time to do this is when the seedlings are at the two-leaf stage and before the true leaves have developed, or as soon as they are large enough to handle. When done at this stage of growth there is less shock and root disturbance to the seedlings and they will establish and grow on much...
We prune roses for several reasons. Regular pruning helps to keep their size under control, though we must remember that all roses have a predetermined 'ideal' size. We also prune to shape the plant. We take out dead stems to prevent the dead area spreading back into healthy stems. But the main reason we prune is to make the rose more vigorous. This tutorial teaches you how to prune climbing roses for the best results.
If you want some large, bold foliage in a border during the summer, canna lilies take some beating. They are really easy to grow either in the border or large pots and produce large paddle shaped leaves and tall flower spikes. Canna lilies aren't hardy plants so unless you live in a very sheltered area it is wise to dig them up in autumn and store the fleshy roots in a frost free place. Increasing your stock of canna plants is very easy with the tips from this how to video.
Moles can be a real problem in gardens. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to get rid of them. The best way is to try several methods until you find one that works. Even then if you manage to catch or deter a mole it's not always the end of the problem. For much of the year moles are solitary, and have their own territory. If you catch the little fellow, his neighbor will take advantage of the tunnel system and move in. This how to video give you some ideas of how to get rid of those pesty...
Wherever possible it is a good idea to make your own garden compost. It not only saves you having to dispose of garden waste, the compost that you make is great for the garden. There's an old saying that goes "you only get out of the garden what you put into it" and one of the best things you can put into a garden is organic matter. Learn how you can compost your garden waste with this how to video.
Learn how you can plant and care for rhubarb with this gardening tutorial. As rhubarb is likely to be in one position for many years, ground preparation is very important. Plenty of organic matter in the form of garden compost or rotted manure should be worked into the soil and base of planting hole.It's also time to cover any clumps of rhubarb outside that you want to force into early growth. The idea is to exclude light from the new shoots which forces them to grow tall and light pink in...
The big problem with sowing seeds indoors is that the light comes from one side and your seedlings will get 'drawn' (stretching towards the light). You can help to get healthy, sturdy seedlings and increase your chances of success if you make a simple box to reflect the light back to your plants. Use this with a propagator or just stand plants in pots in the box. You'll be amazed at how effective it is and it costs virtually nothing. All you need is a cardboard box, which is cut away on one...
Hippeastrum or Amaryllis is a flower that blooms in the winter. After the plant dies, rather than throw the bulb away you should keep them to flower again next year. When the flowers have faded, cut off the thick flower stalk at bulb level. The foliage should be allowed to develop and grow over the spring and summer, and to encourage the bulb to swell keep the compost moist at all times and feed weekly with a liquid feed such as Phostrogen. Only when the leaves naturally start to die down in...
No matter how long you spend mowing, scarifying & aerating your lawn, the chances are that parts become waterlogged after every shower of rain. In this how to video, Martin Fish demonstrates a quick and easy remedy for soggy lawns. With the tip from this tutorial you will be able to keep your lawn green and healthy.
Winter digging is the best way to improve your soil and get it ready for planting in spring. Double-digging is simple but can be hard work. In this gardening tutorial, Geoff Stebbings from Garden Answers explains how to do winter digging simply without getting too exhausted.
Winter-flowering cyclamen are easy to propagate from self-sown seedlings under the parent plants. In this step by step gardening tutorial, Geoff Stebbings from Garden Answers shows you how to propagate cyclamen seedlings.
Over the past few years brown patches on leylandii hedges has been a real problem in some areas. These patches are caused by conifer aphids that feed by sucking the sap from the new shoots. In this gardening tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News shows you how to deal with brown patches on your Leylandii hedges.
In this gardening tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News shows you how to take cuttings from Salvia patens or blue flower sage. Cuttings are a way to root new plants from a larger plant. Watch this how to video and you can get tips on how to take a cutting and root a blue flower sage plant.
Learn how and why you should repot Canna lilies before the winter with this gardening tutorial. This is a quick and easy process of digging up the lily, potting it and bringing inside the home or greenhouse, and it has many benefits. Find out how to keep your Canna lilies healthy over the winter with this how to video.
This video home repair tutorial shows how to solder copper pipes and fittings. This technique is essential for making home repairs, especially in plumbing. Watch this instructional video and learn what it takes to solder copper pipes and fittings.
This video tutorial shows how to use change the head on a bicycle tire pump to adapt to the size of the tire. As mini, road, and mountain bikes have different tire sizes which require different sized nozzles, many bike pumps come with adaptors for multi-tasking. Watch this instructional video and learn how to convert the head on a bicycle tire pump.
This video is a short tutorial to assist in setting the combination for a Giant Surelock. In the event that a combination is compromised, it is important to change a lock to prevent from unwanted break-ins or theft. Watch this instructional video and learn how to reset the combination on an Giant Surelock.
This video is a short tutorial to assist in setting the combination for an OnGuard Lock. In the event that a combination is compromised, it is important to change a lock to prevent from unwanted break-ins or theft. Watch this instructional video and learn how to reset the combination on an OnGuard lock.
When starting seeds you can take an overly complicated approach or keep it simple. Watch this how to video and learn easy it is to grow your own food by learning how start your own seeds. Use organic starting mix, yogurt cups, and your favorite seed to get your garden going.
Bokashi is a fermented wheat bran used to pickle kitchen food waste to help it compost quicker without foul odors. Watch this how to video to learn how to ferment bokashi with molasses. Use the fermented bokashi to clean the septic system, pickle, or even to compost.
Remodeling your home or backyard can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-tiling your patio steps you can grout them yourself. In this Home & Garden how-to video you will learn how to grout your newly tiled backyard steps.
Remodeling your home or backyard can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-doing your patio you can use tile to decorate it your yourself. In this Home & Garden how-to video you will learn how to create a sea turtle mural out of tile for your backyard patio.
Remodeling your kitchen or bathroom can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-doing your kitchen counter top you can lay the tile yourself. In this Home & Garden how-to video you will learn how to tile a kitchen counter top.
Remodeling your living room or kitchen can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-doing a fireplace you can learn to set the tile and do the grout yourself. This Home & Garden how-to video covers setting marble and grouting a fireplace.
Remodeling your living room or kitchen can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-doing your fireplace you can lay the tile or marble yourself. In this Home & Garden how-to video we will show you how to install marble tile over a fireplace.
Remodeling your kitchen or bathroom can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-doing your L-shaped kitchen counter top you can lay the tile yourself. In this Home & Garden how-to video you will learn how to begin tiling a counter top in a kitchen.
Remodeling your home and patio can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-doing your backyard you can set the tile yourself. In this Home & Garden how-to video you will learn how to set tile on an outside patio with tile spacers.
Remodeling your home and backyard can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-doing your backyard you can mix the mortar for a tile project yourself. In this Home & Garden how-to video you will learn how to set up the correct mortar mix.
Remodeling your kitchen or bathroom can be expensive, but you can save some money by doing it yourself. If you are re-tiling you can learn to do the grout yourself. In this Home & Garden how-to video you will learn how to grout 8 X 8 inch tiles.
Outside mount faux wood blinds give your windows a great finished look. This Home & Garden how-to video shows you how to install them. Learn to dress up any window and room with outside mount faux wood blinds.
Inside mount vertical aluminum blinds can add a decorative touch to bare windows. Aluminum blinds are easy to install, in this Home & Garden how-to video you will learn how to install them. Get a little privacy by learning to to install vertical aluminum blinds in your home.