Moving a 2000 pound safe isn't easy...I was working as manager for a construction company that was performing an up fit on a century old building in downtown Concord, N.C. The owners wanted us to move ...
Every home gardener has tackled tomatoes, but what about upside-down tomatoes? What?!? That's right, you can actually grow tomatoes upside down, suspended in the air. It keeps the plant off the ground ...
Have you ever needed a get-a-way from the stresses of the day? A garden pond is definatley the way to go. Here is a step-by-step plan to help you do it yourself.Once you have determined the size of ...
Beautifully designed, this glass globe doorknob bars all potentially private matters of what lie beyond it. Via Spoon Tamago: "In conjunction with Design Tide Tokyo, architect Hideyuki Nakayama - a ...
Fend off the worst that Snowpocalypse has to deal! Prevent leakage caused by ice and snow by installing a snow apron on the eaves of your house. This is an easy thing to do, and a must for any homeown ...
Times are tight, but no one deserves to stare at an old, fugly bathroom day after day. If you simply can't stand the hot pink paint the previous owners left on the walls anymore or your linoleum floor ...
If you're lucky enough to have a large backyard, or perhaps even a plot of land, then you probably have several trees on hand. If for whatever reason one or two of these trees needs to be cut down, do ...
If you love working with wood, fixing things, and making things, then most likely by now the blade on your bandsaw is tired and dull. Make sure that your woodworking projects are crisp and easy to cut ...
We understand why companies affix sticky labels to their products. We just don't understand why they manufacture these labels with unyielding, Godzilla strength glue. Who wants to open up a new microw ...
Electrical sockets are often taken for granted. It's not until one of them breaks or stops working and our laptops won't turn on that we truly have a crisis (mostly over lost internet time). If your s ...