If your garden needs mulch, here's a peachy-keen new idea: a mulch made of peach pits! Michael Glassman shows how Pits in Pieces™ benefits plants while repelling pests. ...
Evergreen bows, like Hemlock, can be placed over tender plants to protect them against cold, winter winds. Gently place them over the plant creating a tepee or tent form. It will allow some air circul ...
Snails and slugs are a big problem for gardeners across the country, whether it be a hosta patch or your lettuce, they love to eat a wide variety of plants. If you have containers, raised beds, even i ...
Eric shares his latest Garden Smart Tip and Ideas. A wonderful addition to your patio garden would be an ornamental fruit tree. Eric shows us a beautiful example of a 'Moro' orange. It's a fantastic t ...
Chlorosis means yellowing of the leaves, particularly the older leaves of the plant. When present on older leaves it's possible the plant has a Nitrogen deficiency and could indicate that it's a good ...
Azaleas are relatively care free. To ensure they look their best they require adequate moisture. Make sure the roots in particular get plenty of water especially during the first year or so. Mulch is ...
Cactus can do very well in containers if attention is paid to several things. One, use terracotta, it breathes well. Also, make sure there is a hole in the bottom because the soil shouldn't be sitting ...
We next discuss trimming regular hedges. Most people just want a hedge that's tidy and neat, one that performs a function of blocking a view. We discuss some newly planted Boxwoods. Glenn planted thes ...
We next try some staking, because this garden has tall plants. Tall plants add verticality to the garden, but they only stay tall until a thunderstorm hits. They need staking if for no other reason to ...