A flower arrangement with just one type of flower? It may sound monotonous, but it's actually understated and quite elegant, not to mention incredibly easy. ...
Choosing the right vase is just as important as choosing the right flowers. The right one complements your blooms, while the wrong one...well, it just looks wrong. With these helpful hints, you'll alw ...
Cabernet and carpet don't mix, but if you act quickly you can save the day. ...
Sitting in gum is no fun, but trying to get it off your pants—or shirt or sheets—is the real sticky situation. Nothing a little icy determination can't handle. ...
Cinderella's plight has given mopping a bad name—but don't let poor PR keep you from a bright, shiny floor.This video will show you how to mop a wood floor. ...
You might love your coffee black and hot—but not when it's on your carpet. Don't worry, with a little vim and, yes, vinegar, that nasty stain will be a thing of the past. ...
It's the porous surface of ceramic tiles that make them so warm and welcoming to bare feet—it's also what makes them so vulnerable to stains and grime.This video will show you how to clean the floor. ...
Just like a well-polished pair of shoes or a crisply starched shirt, a sharp crease in a pair of pants shows you're dressed to impress. ...
Sure, it takes a bit of time and effort to do your laundry, but you've got to admit—it's better than beating it on rocks down by the river. ...