Watch this video tutorial to learn how to use yellow glue and an a household iron to adhere a wide edge band. This how-to video is a must-watch for all furniture and woodwork enthusiasts. ...
Do you have a cactus plant in your garden that needs to be re-potted? Watch this instructional video to learn how to determine the appropriate pot size when re-potting your cactus. ...
Cacti have spines that prick the handler's skin. So how do people in the cactus business handle spiny cactus all day long? They use nitro gloves! Watch this instructional video for a demonstration o ...
You want to have a tomato garden and you bought the seedlings already... now what? Watch this video tutorial to learn how to properly transplant your potted tomato seedling into your garden plot. Vid ...
Have a scratched CD but you are not ready to get rid of it? Watch this video tutorial to learn how to remove scratches on your CD by applying toothpaste and rubbing it down. ...
it is essential that a furniture maker or a woodworker know how to find the center of any board. Watch this video tutorial to learn a simple way to find the center of any board. To do this, you will ...
Home improvement tools and equipments make do-it-yourself enthusiasts' lives easier. Among these tools are the Festool MFT 1080 and saw. Watch this video tutorial to learn how easy it is to use the ...
Do you want to learn how to build cabinets? Watch this five-part video tutorial for the basics of cabinet making using wood. Part one demonstrates the basics of making cabinet boxes from sheet goods ...
Terrace walls are an attractive option for steep grades. This video tutorial shows you how to build a terraced retaining wall system. This how-to video is a must-watch for everyone in the constructio ...
This video tutorial shows you how to add a cap to a retaining wall system. Always start capping from the lowest elevation of the retaining wall. This how-to video is a must-watch for everyone in the ...