Learn how to replace or fix your old backyard or garage floodlight on your house with a new one.This video will show you how to remove the old floodlight, on your house or garage, and also explain the ...
If you having a hard time using your Eco friendly gas can with a green twist lock or locking spout, when used incorrectly gas can spill all over your hands.This video will show you how to properly use ...
This video will show you how to fix the worn adjusting levers on the wheels of your lawn mower that adjust the lawn mower deck height.When the tabs get bent in the lawn mower deck tends to slip and ge ...
This video will show you an easy way to fix a crack in the plastic cover of your pool filter.This is a great tip that will keep the air from coming through the crack in your pool filter cover. ...
Learn how to use a set of wire strippers to take the coating off of a piece of wire so that you can make a repair to your boat, car,truck,snow mobile trailer, camper etc ...
Here's a great tip on how to make a great looking American flag centerpiece for your dining room table.This is a great way to add a country touch to a cozy room, it's also a great Memorial Day or Fort ...
Learn how to repair,fix or replace the damaged end on your garden hose. This video will show you how easy this repair is to do and will save you a ton of money.We used a new clamp on style threaded ho ...
Are you searching for a homemade cat repellent solution? This article will cover natural indoor and outdoor deterrents for every scenario where cats are causing trouble. The first part will cover home ...
Spiders are common pests that typically prefer to live outdoors. However, insects and warmth will eventually attract them into our houses. They like to spin their webs in corners, crevices and unused ...