Looking for an easy way to cut out a large hole from a plank of wood or a sheet of plastic or metal? A holesaw (also styled hole saw) might be just the right tool for the job. For a complete overview ...
Looking to make a worm composting bin? Look no further. This video vermiculture how-to will see to it that you know everything you need to know to start your own worm-assisted compost process. For mor ...
Need to iron a shirt for an important occasion? Smooth out your ironing technique with this housekeeper's how-to, which demonstrates the proper technique for pressing a men's dress or sport shirt usin ...
Ultimate Handyman demonstrates how to remove a threaded stud from a threaded hole. You will often find threaded studs when you are doing car repair. First, remove the nut from the stud. Then, spray it ...
This video will show you how to take good care of your trees by feeding the roots with verticle mulching. Drill holes in the soil about 15" deep, and put in compost and nutrient materials. Use an a ...
To make a french spiral bouquet you first start with straight stemmed flowers such as roses. It is very important that you rid the stems of foliage such as leaves as well as removing all the thorns. Y ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make an amazing lamp. The materials required for this project are a balloon, wool string and liquid glue. Begin by blowing up the balloon and wind it with ...
How to keep your pansies healthy year round To keep pansies healthy you have to regularly be taking off dead and dying flowers. When you take the dead flowers off you can leave the stems or you can ...
Instructions for building wall panels and posts using Alan Block materials. This is How-to Sheet #190, for the Courtyard Collection. Combine walls and posts in a three step process: build a post, bu ...
Jack takes you throught the steps of creating a plant light. Begin with a large sterolight container, all thread,bolts, nuts and washers, and a power strip with tie wraps to hold it togethers You'll u ...