If you have a basement that needs some remodeling, one area that you should focus on is the ceiling. A bare ceiling can reveal wires and other things that bring down the look of a space. But adding ce ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to choose a drill. There are 3 types of drills: cordless drills, electric drills and rotary hammer drills. cordless drills run on batteries and have a hammer ...
In this tutorial, Susan Belsinger tells us how to harvest herbs. Don't let your basil flower because it's an annual herb and it will set seed if you do this. When you put the plant out, you have to cu ...
In order to prune climbing roses, you will need the following: ties and pruning sheers. To maximize the impact of climbing roses you will need to evaluate the branching. Making sure that you allow ...
If you want to renovate a kitchen easily, one of the best options is to keep your existing cabinets and either paint or stain them. This can save you a ton of money. But of course in order to do this, ...
This video tutorial is in the Home & Garden category which will show you how to use a multimeter to check for continuity, measure resistance and voltage and many more values. Multimeters are like the ...
If you're looking for your bathroom to be a bit more shiny, you might want to look into installing a stainless steel vanity. If you don't have the money to buy it, you can easily cover your existing o ...
In this video, we learn how to keep dust to a minimum in your home. First, keep an eye on your furnace and make sure that when you are doing home repairs, it doesn't get onto your furnace. Also, make ...
Everyone has used a ruler at some point in their life, whether for art sizing, blueprint plans, or sizing up your widescreen television on your living room wall. But there's a lot of little ticks on t ...
This video tutorial is in the Home & Garden category which will show you how to contain your sheep with hurdles. For this project you will need thin and long wooden staffs. This can also be done with ...