Tim Gibson teaches us how to tape and finish textured drywall in this tutorial. To begin, use a scraper to scrape off any texture around the join. This will leave 4-5 inches to replace the joint. If i ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to hang drywall in your own home. Hanging your own drywall will save you a lot of money, but it takes a lot of time. You will first need to start on the ceiling and then ...
In order to find the best drill bits to drill in metal, you should look at the angle of the bit. It will need to have a center point. Bits only cut on the ends. The grooves on the sides are made to re ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a lampshade out of plastic cups. First, you will need to purchase clear plastic cups and use a stapler and tape. To start, lay your cups on the ground with the b ...
Bob Schmidt tells us how to set up cabinets for an entertainment center in this tutorial. First, make sure you set base cabinets next to your wires and put a hole in the back of them so you can cover ...
In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to install a decorative tile border. Decorative borders add a beautiful accent to any room. Start by setting the "measure right pro' tool. Slide ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to create a water garden arrangement. To start, have a box filled with foam and rocks, then place branches on the inside of the foam and rocks. Now, add in a few liatris ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to stain a concrete floor. To start, you will need to prepare your floor by cleaning it vigorously. Remove all dirt from the floor, then use detergent and water to wash, ...
This video tutorial is in the Home & Garden category where you will learn how to install an interior door set on a pre-bored door. For this you will need a tube latch, straight plates, door plates, tw ...