Remember summer camp? Remember the smell of the log cabins? The feel of the treated wood? Well, you can create something for your home that's perfect for a nostalgic summer camp aesthetic. Meg Allen C ...
Nowadays designer jeans cost anywhere between 100 and 200 bucks (or even more). Consumers have been converted to the concept that the fit and quality is just plain better. This is old news- everybody ...
Are your plants dying? Are they in dire need of some fertilizer? Is your compost not cutting it anymore? Well, save your garden plants with this recipe for nitrogen rich manure tea fertilizer. It's a ...
If you're finding out that your Dyson DC07 vacuum cleaner isn't sucking, there are usually four symptoms. They range from an easy fix to a bit more difficult. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to ...
One of the most forgotten and neglected items on a vacuum cleaner is the filter. People usually keep them in their machine without ever taking them out once to be cleaned or either replaced. In this ...
If you've damaged the external hose to your vacuum cleaner, you might want to replace it soon. Not only can small dust particles creep out from the hose, but it can be very hard to suck up anything el ...
If you're having a problem with your vacuum cleaner's internal hose, this video may help. In this tutorial you'll find out how easy it can be to replace the internal hose on a Dyson DC07 vacuum cleane ...
If your brushroll isn't picking up any kind of big debris on the ground, you might have a problem with your vacuum cleaner's belt. In this helpful tutorial, you'll find out how you can replace the bel ...
If you brushroll has become damaged or needs to be replaced, then this tutorial should help you out. In the video, you'll find out how to replace the brushroll and soleplate on a Dyso DC07 vacuum clea ...
Accidents happen all the time. When these accidents happen, things tend to break. When an accident happens with a vacuum cleaner, it's usually the handle or bin lid that becomes damaged. So in this tu ...