The hardest thing about putting in a new bathroom or kitchen faucet is getting the old one out. For the most part that's true, only because today's faucets are so easy to install! Before you remove th ...
The aerator on your faucet serves a very important function: by adding air bubbles, it helps to fuse the water and give it a softer feel. It also helps reduce the amount of water you use. So if you're ...
One of the main causes of noise in a kitchen faucet (when turned on or off) is from obstructed lines. And the only way to stop the noise is by flushing them. Lowe's brings you this video from Delta on ...
If you're faucet is making noise, it might be time to repair it. Does it make the noise when you turn it on and off? The answer could be as simple as flushing the lines. Lowe's provides this video on ...
Lowe's brings you this video about how to fix your leaky faucet. More specifically, how to fix your Delta bathroom faucet. A leaking and dripping faucet could be a sign for bad seats and springs, so w ...
If you're looking for tips on how to prune roses bushes, there's no one better than rose expert Muriel Humenick to show you how it's done. First, she shows you the proper pruning tools you'll need for ...
This is a great way to liven up your home! A basket bouquet can bring any room to life. To get started, you'll need a basket of your choice, liner, some moss and an assortment of plants. Get some simp ...
If you need to save your money for bills, then this laundry tip will help keep the costs of laundry to a minimum. It's a really simple and cheap tip if you happen to be out of laundry detergent during ...
Forget about buying a garden fountain. You can make a DIY one for your garden. You can even make a small on for a tabletop! You just need to get the right pump for the job. The base of you fountain ju ...
Not sure what decoupage is? Then watch this video to find out! It will show you how to turn an ordinary, drab wooden picture frame into a decorative wood picture frame using decoupage (gluing differen ...