Beadboard is a good-looking, tough, rustic material for ceilings, but it's actually pretty easy to install as far as ceilings go. This video will show you how to install a beadboard ceiling in a small ...
Painting a pattern on your hardwood floor can be a great way to give it some flair without ripping up the floor. This video will show you everything you need to know to measure out, mark, and paint a ...
The vacuum cleaner is the most elaborate piece of cleaning equipment many people have, and they should last a long time. Their power cords, however, are generally not very durable. If yours have gotte ...
Angle grinders (or cut-off tools) are great for all sorts of major construction and repair projects. One of the reasons for this is that you can put all types of discs on them for different jobs. This ...
Threaded metal rods and bars are useful to have around because they allow you to make custom length bolt and nut combos whenever you like. Cutting them to the right length in such a way that your nut ...
Angle grinders are very powerful and useful tools, but like many such power tools they are extremely dangerous if you don't know how to use them. This video goes over a variety of must-know safety pre ...
Measuring the amperage, or number of amps, in an electrical circuit requires a tool called a multi-meter. They are somewhat difficult to use, but fortunately for you this video explains in great detai ...
Wallpaper is a big investment. It's one of the most visible pars of your home decor, and you're probably going to be stuck looking at whatever you get for a long time. This video will give you some ti ...
No sane person likes the smell of vomit. Vomit is especially annoying when the smell lingers and wont leave your carpet. Fortunately, there is a way to get rid of disgusting carpet aromas. It involves ...
Taking care of houseplants is a tough job, especially if you have more than one kind, because the proper, healthy growing conditions can become muddled. If one of your houseplants is a African violet, ...