Lowe's talks about a common toilet problem in this video tutorial about a slow-filling toilet. Most toilet tanks should refill within a three-minute timespan, depending upon the water pressure in your ...
Normally, when you press the lever on your toilet in your bathroom, you expect it to flush, but sometimes your toilet just won't flush completely, or you have to hold the lever down to get it to work. ...
This video is about your magical bathroom device— the toilet. The toilet is a thing that sees a lot of use in the house, and problems can arise from time to time. One of the biggest bathroom issues is ...
Gutter maintenance is not the funnest household chore, but it is essential in preserving your home. Lowe's has a few tips for you to start clearing out your gutters. You'll need a ladder, a bucket to ...
You've worked hard to get your garden in shape— the tilling, the planting, the watering, so when pests and weeds threaten your garden, you'll want to take action. But if you don't want to use chemical ...
If you haven't already discovered, landscaping is equal parts art and science— what you put and where has a huge impact on how your yard will look. And if you want beautiful trees and shrubs, Lowe's h ...
Watering is the key to getting your lawn, landscaping and flowers looking lush and healthy. First-time homeowners don't always get a lush lawn to begin with— it takes time and a little care to get the ...
If your yard has hedges, shrubs or trees, chances are you'll need to occasionally cut them back, and that's where pruning comes in handy. Not only does pruning give nice shape to the hedges, but it ca ...
One of the rituals of homeownership is regular yard work. Central to this yard maintenance is the awesome art of mowing the lawn. Just make sure you're not "scalping" your grass! Lowe's has the advice ...